IBM’s Company Story 2023
IBM, International Business Machines Corporation, is a top US computer manufacturer with significant market shares in the US and overseas. It’s headquartered in Armonk, New York. Fifty years ago, before Apple started in the garage and Mark Zuckerberg wasn't yet born, this company owned the tech division. IBM has worked hard for decades, stayed relevant, and has built a solid reputation. Let's see how they pulled that off in this company story.
International Business Machines, or IBM, was incorporated in 1911. They were later referred to as the Computing-Tabulating-Recording Company.
The founder, Charles Ranlett Flint, didn't start the C-T-R Company from scratch. It was rather created through the merger of three companies that had been around since the late 1800s: Computing Scale Company, Tabulating Machine Company, and Time Recording Company. The newly formed company was headquartered in New York City and employed a total of around 1,300 people.
In those early years, C-T-R concentrated on products such as accounting and calculating machines, business time recorders, and mechanical punch-card systems. Basically, it emphasized standard office products instead of the inventive company it was later known as.
Thomas Watson took over the company in 1924 and renamed it International Business Machines or IBM. During his first years, Watson ensured IBM's success through business and marketing strategies, developing products based on the needs of individual customers, and investing seriously in the company's sales force.
Watson restored the then-struggling company to the top US maker of punched card table systems used by governments and private companies. He also created a very disciplined and competitive sales team that customized the company's custom tabulation systems to meet the needs of individual customers.
In the 1920s and 1930s, IBM started to be a well-known name. It introduced the public address system used by schools, and it quickly became an integral part of the American classroom. The Social Security Administration took over the company's punch-card machines to help build a new network of social security numbers for every citizen. And in 1928, it invented the first calculator that could subtract directly.
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IBM’s Company Story 2023
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