Hi there! My name is Hayden, but everyone knows me as Quinn -Thanks for watching, and enjoy your stay!
- For Your Questions & Curiosity -
Discord: Quinn#3164
Steam: quinng_
Uplay: QuinnG_
Please do not solicit my contact information, or anyone else's for that matter.
This was a test using the Ultracortex Mark IV and OpenBCI GUI v5.0.9 to collect live EEG data from someone playing a game of League of Legends against/with AI. In the next test we will be making sure there's as little noise as possible in the room. (We've eliminated speaker/background noise for interference.)
Lower-left shows a time series plots of the 8 EEG channels
Upper-left shows the accelerometer readout for the headset
Upper-right shows a live Fourier transform plots of the 8 EEG channels
10-20 System electrode placements:
1 - AF3
2 - AF4
These are both purely showing frontal lobe frequencies.
The occ
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