"Living With The Parsha" series by Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz
( Shabbos Before and After the Sin of the Golden Calf) Parshat Vayakel by YIBONEH [ Ссылка ]
The LINK to contribute to the Kimcha D’Pischa Drive for families in need for the upcoming holidays of Pesach [ Ссылка ]
This class is dedicated towards the Refua Shelema for Leah bas Bashe Henah and Raphael Dov ben Devorah Rochel .And a blessing for a successful Zivug HaGun for Aaron Chaim Ben Eta Deborah. Special Dedication by Rena and Mark Kwestel in appreciation for the Rav and as a zechus for a Refuah Shlaimuh for Kol Cholei Yisroel and that Chodesh Adar should be filled with Simcha for all of Am Yisroel
All of our classes are free of charge and we at Yiboneh rely solely on donations to carry out our projects. If you want to earmark your contribution to Rabbi Breitowtz's series, please make note of this when donating. To dedicate classes or to make general contributions:
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Paypal contributions: donate@yiboneh.com
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To view other classes by Rav Breitowitz - click link below
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Credit for opening Yiboneh song - Chaim Dovid [ Ссылка ]
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