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The Bayonet Attack is the most straightforward way for white to try and punish the modern and provocative King’s Indian Defense.
For an introduction to the KID, watch this video on the basics:[ Ссылка ]
To start with, I’m going to be covering the Classical (also know as orthodox) King’s Indian. The Classical Variation begins after white plays Nf3 on move five, not going for more radical approaches such as f3. The Classical branches out into several key variations which are going to be covered in separate videos.
To start with, I chose the most fun, the most aggressive and the most deadly variation of all – the Bayonet Attack! When I say deadly, I mean deadly for both sides. The opening requires extreme precision from both players, and one inaccuracy could mean a swift defeat.
The main characteristic of the opening is action on both sides of the board. There is no opposite sides castling, which is often a feature of such games. Both sides castle short. Black attacks white’s kingside. Relentlessly, mercilessly, and without hesitation going for kingside expansion and checkmate, while white does the same on the queenside (without the checkmate part). The difference is, logically, that white’s attacks seldom turn out deadly. More often, they cause permanent weaknesses or a terminal material loss. Black’s kingside action, though, is often extremely dangerous for white and white can find him self dead lost in a matter of moves.
That is what makes the Bayonet attack fun to play! The consequence of such imminent danger for both sides is the development of theory in the variation. It is one of the most theoretically heavily trodden variations, with all lines going at least 25 moves deep. And you have to be prepared and know them all!
My advice for KID players would be to choose one move on move 9 (either Nh5, Ne8 or a5), and study it to perfection. Know every caveat in the position. Know what your enemy can do!
Bayonet Attack | King’s Indian Defense Theory
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