The former Yugoslav People's Army (YPA) had in its arsenal three surface-to-surface missile systems for which it is not known what happened to them after the disintegration of the SFRY.
These were the ground-to-ground aircraft bomber "Whirlwind", the ground-to-ground missile K-15 Krajina, which was allegedly used in the civil war in the former SFRY in the 1990s, and the 9K52 LUNA-M or FROG-7 missile system. country-country which was developed in the USSR in the 60s of the last century.
Allegedly, the K-15 missile system had the highest accuracy of all three mentioned systems, and that is why it was allegedly used to shoot at the targets of the Croatian Army during the attack of its units in Operation Storm, although the effect of these missiles has not been officially confirmed.
This missile system was shown for the first time publicly at the military parade of the Serbian army of Krajina on June 28, 1995 in Slunj, under the name Vidovdan Military Inspection.
In the parade of the echelon of missile systems, in addition to the missile launchers of the S-75 Dvina and 2x12 Kub air defense systems, an improvised missile system K-15 Krajina was shown to the general surprise of those present.
This system consisted of a Dvina / Volkhov air defense missile launcher on a mobile wheeled trailer, and the launcher contained the P-15 Termit anti-ship missile, which was also used in the Rubezh-E coastal system.
Bivša Jugoslovenska narodna armija (JNA) imala je u svom arsenalu tri raketna sistema tipa zemlja-zemlja za koje se ne zna šta se sa njima desilo posle raspada SFRJ.
To su bili lanser avionskih bombi tipa zemlja-zemlja ”Košava”, raketa zemlja-zemlja K-15 Krajina koja je navodno korišćena u građanskom ratu u bivšoj SFRJ 90-ih godina prošlog veka i raketa 9K52 LUNA-M odnosno FROG-7 raketni sistem zemlja-zemlja koji je razvijen u SSSR 60-ih godina prošlog veka.
Navodno je od sva tri navedena sistema zemlja-zemlja raketni sistem K-15 imao najveću preciznost i zato se navodno koristio za gađanje ciljeva Hrvatske Vojske prilikom napada njenih jedinica u akciji ”Oluja” mada dejstvo ovih raketa do danas nije zvanično potvrđeno.
Ovaj raketni sistem je javno prvi put prikazan na vojnoj paradi srpske vojske Krajine 28.juna 1995. godine u Slunju pod nazivom Vidovdanska smotra.
U defileu ešalona raketnih sistema je pored raketnih lansera sistema PVO S-75 Dvina i 2k12 Kub je bio prikazan na opšte iznenađenje prisutnih i improvizovani raketni sistem K-15 Krajina.
Ovaj sistem su činili lanser raketa sistema PVO Dvina/Volhov na pokretnoj točkaškoj prikolici, a na lanseru se nalazila protiv-brodska raketa P-15 Termit koja se koristila i u obalskom sistemu Rubež-E.
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