Meningitis rash glass test
Meningococcal meningitis is a form of bacterial meningitis caused by the Neisseria meningitidis (N. meningitidis) bacterium. Meningococcal meningitis can cause a person to develop septicemia, which is an infection of the blood. This form of septicemia is known as meningococcal septicemia, or meningococcemia.
Meningococcal meningitis can cause a rash in about 50% of people with the condition. Meningococcemia can result in a person bleeding into their skin. This causes a certain type of rash to develop within a person’s skin, characterized by small, non-raised, purple-reddish lesions. The rash occurs due to bleeding outside the capillaries due to meningococcemia.
A person can test if a rash is from meningococcemia by pressing a glass tumbler against it. If the rash does not disappear, it means a person may have meningococcemia. However, a person should not take the glass test as a diagnosis of meningococcemia, as this form of rash can also result from other conditions.
If a person has a rash that does not disappear when pressed by a glass, they should contact their doctor immediately.
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