You can find the greatest common factor (GCF) of 8 and 20 by listing the common factors for each number and then identifying the greatest factor in each list. Here's the step-by-step process:
Step 1: List the Factors of 8
• The factors of 8 are the numbers that can evenly divide 8. In this case, they are 1, 2, 4, and 8.
Step 2: List the Factors of 20
• The factors of 20 are the numbers that can evenly divide 20. In this case, they are 1, 2, 4, 5, 10, and 20.
Step 3: Identify the Common Factors
• Compare the lists of factors for 8 and 20 to find the common factors. The common factors are the numbers that appear in both lists.
Common Factors: 1, 2, 4
Step 4: Determine the Greatest Common Factor
• Finally, determine which common factor is the greatest. In this case, the greatest common factor (GCF) of 8 and 20 is 4.
So, the GCF of 8 and 20 is 4.
Note: You can also use prime factorization to find the GCF. It involves breaking down each number into its prime factors and then finding the common prime factors.
How to Find the Greatest Common Factor for 8 and 20
Greatest common factor 8 and 20find the GCF for 8 and 20what is the GCF for 8 and 20what is the highest common factor for 8 and 20what is the greatest common divisor for 8 and 20find the highest common factor for 8 and 20find the greatest common measure for 8 and 20find the GFC for 8 and 20find the CGM for 8 and 20find the GCD for 8 and 20find the hcf for 8 and 20.