Trying my best to rotate characters in and out of my channel. I havent played as Kolin for a while so let's have a cosplay fight. Kolin is in the Yorha A2 armored edition with short hair variant. Her opponent is Laura and I didnt know what to have her be in so it was back to the Sorceress mod as this is the original design without the hat and large bust variant. Please remember that I dont make the mods as I find them online and try to have cool battles with them. It took me many tries to get this fight as my Kolin skills were rusty so I kept losing to Laura early. I had to get the hang of things until I finally got this version. Of course, I made sure I did the V-Shift correctly which happened many times. Then hit the CA on Laura but its too bad that she didn't do hers. Some solid action here as the last two rounds were pretty good. The first round was just awful and that was the only thing I hated. Thats all there is to say about this one. Hope you guys enjoy the fight and have a great day.
Kolin Yorha A2 Armored Edition: deviantart. com/khaledantar666
Laura Sorceress mod from brutalace deviantart: brutalace/art/Laura-Dragon-s-Crown-Sorceress-878256068
Street Fighter V: CE Kolin vs Laura PC Mod #3
KolinKolin PC modKolin SFVKolin Street Fighter VSFV KolinStreet Fighter V KolinSFV Kolin modsKolin Yorha A2 Armored editionKolin Yorha A2 modkhaledantar666 SFV modskhaledantar666 modsLauraLaura PC modLaura SFVLaura Street Fighter VSFV LauraStreet Fighter V LauraSFV Laura modsLaura Dragon's Crown modLaura Sorceress modbrutalace SFV modsStreet Fighter V: Champion EditionSFVSFV PC modsStreet Fighter VStreet Fighter V PC mods