Georgi Johnson joins us on this podcast - a spiritual teacher, therapist and writer based in Israel. Together with her partner Bart ten Berge, she gives trainings around the world. She also offers therapy/consultation sessions online. Born in the UK, Georgi is author of three books: Nondual Therapy: The Psychology of Awakening; I Am Here: Opening the Windows of Life & Beauty and Stillness of the Wind: a Collection of Nondual Poetry. Georgi is part of the International School of Spiritual Psychology based in Netherlands, an early participant in the emerging Love & Truth Party, and is often the inspiration behind the I AM HERE movement of awakening in the online community.
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The TruthLover podcast is presented by Love & Truth Party and features Author, Speaker, Transformational Coach, Retreat Leader and Entrepreneur - Will Pye in dialogue with fascinating visionaries and luminaries exploring Consciousness, the Nature of Reality, Awakened Activism, Individual Awakening and Collective Evolution, Science and Spirituality.
#georgijohnson #nondualtherapy #truthlover