Uttar Pradesh chief minister Yogi Adityanath on Tuesday met his mother Savitri Devi in his ancestral village Panchur in Uttarakhand. In an India TV exclusive video, Adityanath can be seen playfully asking his mother, "Did you recognize me?"
Though Yogi had been coming to Uttarakhand to attend political programs and address public meetings, it is for the first time that he visited his ancestral village. He spent the night in his village and attended the hair tonsure ceremony of his nephew today.
Surrounded by his relatives and acquaintances from neighboring villages soon after arrival, Yogi first spoke to the younger members of his family and distributed chocolates to them. The chief minister earlier became emotional while unveiling a statue of his spiritual guru Mahant Avaidyanath at Mahayogi Guru Goarkahnath Government College, Bidhyani, Yamkeshwar.
In his address at the function, he said he felt proud while unveiling the statue of his spiritual guru at the place where he was born but could not visit it after 1940.
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