Organist Jonathan Scott performs his solo organ arrangement of Agnus Dei from Gabriel Fauré's Requiem Op. 48. Filmed at the new Rieger Pipe Organ of St. Mary's Basilica (Bazyliki Mariackiej), Kraków, Poland. The Score of Jonathan's arrangement is available here: [ Ссылка ]
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FILM & SOUND: Tom Scott
The Grand Organ of St. Mary's Basilica, Krakow, Poland
Rieger Orgelbau 2022
Manual Compass C-c4
Pedal Compass C-g1
Principal 16
Principal 8
Gedackt 8
Flûte harm. 8
Viola da gamba 8*
Octave 4
Blockflöte 4
Quinte 2 2/3
Superoctave 2
Mixtur major V 2
Mixtur minor IV-V 1 1/3
Cornet V 8
Trompete 16
Trompete 8
II POSITIV (Enclosed)
Bourdon 16
Principal 8
Flauto major 8*
Quintadena 8
Prestant 4
Flaito minor 4*
Sesquialtera II 2 2/3
Doublette 2
Larigot 1 1/3
Scharff IV 1
Cromorne 8
Clarinette 8 (Free Reed)
III RÉCIT (Enclosed)
Cor de Chamois 16
Bourdon 8
Flûte armonioso 8*
Viole 8*
Aéoline 8
Voix céleste 8
Principal 4
Fugara 4
Flûte traversière 4*
Nazard 2 2/3
Octavin 2
Tiece 1 3/5
Piccolo 1
Fourniture 2 2/3
Basson 16
Trompette harm. 8
Hautbois 8
Clairon harm. 4
Voix humaine 8
IV SOLO (Electric Action - High Pressure)
Tuba episcopalis 8
Tuba sonora 8
Grand Cornet 8
Campane *
Untersatz 32
Majorbass 16*
Violonbass 16
Subbass 16
Principal 8
Gedackt 8
Cello 8
Choralbass 4
Kontraposaune 32
Posaune 16
Fagott 16
Trompete 8
Klarine 4
Mechanical Actions: II/I, III/II, I/P, II/P, III/P
Electric Actions: III/I, I/I 16, II/II 16, II/I 16, III/III 16, III/II 16, IV/I, IV/II, IV/III, II/P 4, III/P 4
* = ranks preserved from the previous organs of St. Mary's by Ignacy Ziarnicki (1800), Antoni Sapalski (19th Century) and Aleksander Zebrowski (1908)
The Campagne Tubular bells are from 1961
The Presbytery Organ (Playable from the main organ console)
Kazimierz Zebrowski 1912
Rebuilt by Rieger Orgelbau 2022
Pryncypal I 8
Octava 4
Rohrflet 4
Piccolo 2
Mixtura III
Pryncypal II 8 (New 2022)
Viol di Gamba 8
Flet Major 8
Eolina 8
Flet Travers 4
Obój 8
Subbass 16
Octavbass 4
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