Why do redheads get a bad rap? Indeed, there are the stereotypes that redheads have fiery tempers, and there was even a time when fairies were associated with redheads because of their link to mischievousness and the supernatural.
Yet, redheads should be cherished. That's because only four percent of the world’s population has red hair. So, stop it with the redhead hate!
Kidding aside, there are actually many unique qualities about redheads that blondes and brunettes just don't possess. Here’s the truth about our redhead brothers and sisters.
#Truth #Redhead #Hair
Genetic mutation | 0:00
The 2 percent | 0:47
Favorites for television | 1:25
Responses to pain | 1:54
Vitamin D machines | 2:31
Emergency? Find a redhead | 3:00
A whole different smell | 3:28
Hot and cold | 4:08
Other disadvantages | 4:35
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The Truth About Redheads
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