This film is a thrilling crime story that follows the journey of Ayla (Dur-e-Fishan) and Daniyal (Wahaj Ali), a newly wed couple whose lives are turned upside down by a traumatic kidnapping incident. This sets off a chain of events that exposes the vulnerability of their family and those associated with them.
The movie takes viewers on a rollercoaster ride of shocking revelations and unexpected twists. The families are torn apart as their secrets, lies and duality is revealed. The investigation of the incident becomes increasingly complex as each family member's dubious past is brought to the forefront.
As the tension builds, relationships are tested, alliances are formed and broken, and everyone becomes a suspect. As it proceeds, the stakes get higher, and the truth becomes harder to uncover. Will justice be served, or will the family's web of lies and deceit be enough to cover up the crime?
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Writer: Shah Yasir
Director: Mehreen Jabbar
Producers: Abdullah Kadwani & Asad Qureshi
Production House: 7th Sky Entertainment
Cast :
Wahaj Ali - Daniyal Majeed
Durefishan Saleem - Ayla Nadeem
Tooba Siddiqui - Samina Khan
Atiqa Odho - Shahana
Mohammed Ehteshamuddin - Majeed Zaman
Zhalay Sarhadi - Zakia
Tazeen Hussain - Naseema
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