In this video we will explain how adjectives work in Spanish and its position in a sentence. We will use plenty of examples and the rules of masculine & Feminine as well as Singular & Plural.
Hola! Today we're going to learn about an important type of words the adjectives in normal language we use adjectives when we want to describe something or someone the words big fast expensive or intelligent are all adjectives
if we take a simple sentence like this a beautiful house the word beautiful is the adjective and describes the noun house in the english language the adjective precedes the noun in this case beautiful adjective house however things are a bit different in spanish the noun casa house goes before the adjective bonita beautiful
casa is the noun and bonita is the adjective and not only that the adjectives in spanish can also change their ending in order to agree with the noun's gender masculine or feminine and its number singular and plural the noun is the rule of the sentence so to speak all other words in the sentence una and bonita have to be in the feminine and singular version here we have an example of a masculine word palacio meaning palace so un and bonito are also masculine and singular because the noun remember the ruler is telling the other elements in the sentence to be masculine and singular in this example we can see how adjectives do not take the plural form in english beautiful does not change at all independently of the noun being singular or plural like an example two beautiful houses in other words we don't say beautifuls but we say houses in spanish adjectives are not independent they are followers of the leader the noun for instance dos casas bonitas meaning two beautiful houses or literally two houses beautifuls obviously does not make sense in english but is how you would translate word by word dos casas bonitas casas is the noun telling the adjective to be feminine and plural one more example dos palacios bonitos where bonitos follows the lead of the noun masculine and plural an exception to the rule would be the adjectives ending in e as they do not change to masculine or feminine however they change to the plural form if the noun is plural too
we have a few examples of adjectives ending in a for instance inteligente meaning intelligent urgente urgent importante obviously important interesante interesting or grande big most of them are easily recognizable and do not present a big challenge here we have some examples using very simple sentences for instance una feudat grande feudat city it is a feminine word ending in d80 if you remember the rules grande is not feminine or masculine it's this grande there's no masculine or feminine version of the adjectives ending in a a big city
dos libros interesantes two interesting books libros it is masculine but because the adjective is ending in air is not affected by that however it is plural and the plural is affecting the form of the adjective so two interesting books in spanish dos libros interesantes
time to practice let's complete these sentences an intelligent girl una chica and now intelligent if we go back to the list that we had intelligent is one of those adjectives ending in air in spanish so una chica inteligente does not change to the feminine form a few beautiful houses casas is feminine and it is plural so the adjective beautiful has to be feminine and plural so unas casas bonitas and small apartment un apartamento apartment now small apartment is a masculine word the o at the end is telling us that's a masculine word and is singular so it has to be the same with the adjective un apartamento pequeno the things to remember from this unit are that there's a masculine and a feminine version of adjectives except if the ending of the adjective is an a where there is no masculine feminine but there is a singular and plural change and finally it is very important to remember that the noun goes before the adjective and not the other way around like in english
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