[Hearthstone] Deck [100% WIN] - [LEGEND] Mayweather Warrior TOP 100 S14
Mulligan Guide
These Mulligan's are assuming that we are playing on ladder, and we do not have any information on their decks apart from the class they are playing. If you do know their deck, you should be able to figure out better decisions. The assumptions I make are based on recent ladder experience, and I believe they are very accurate.
[VS Warrior]
Assumption: We are playing Grim Patron Warrior.
The reason we do this, is because our match up against control warrior is so bad, it's better to be better prepared for Grim Patrons.
Cards to look for: Fiery War Axe, Brawl, Death's Bite
[VS Shaman]
Assumption: We are playing Mech Shaman.
I don't see mid-range Shaman at the moment, so it's likely to be Mech.
Cards to look for: Fiery War Axe, Death's Bite, Brawl, Slam, Armorsmith, Cruel Taskmaster, Ironbeak Owl, Big Game Hunter
[VS Rogue]
Assumption: We are playing against Oil Rogue.
This is the my favorite match-up to cue.
Cards to look for: Fiery War Axe, Shield Block, Death's Bite, Dr. Boom
[VS Paladin]
Assumption: We are playing against Midrange (Quartermaster) Paladin.
Although recently more and more Dragondins have been appearing, so things may change here a little.
Cards to look for: Whirlwind, Fiery War Axe, Slam, Acolyte of Pain
[VS Hunter]
Assumption: We aren't sure, so we prepare for both.
The cards that we want are actually reasonably similar, so it's okay that we lack information, but we want to find out as soon as possible which they are because against Face Hunter you may want to silence a Mad Scientist
Cards to look for: Whirlwind, Fiery War Axe, Slam, Armorsmith, Cruel Taskmaster, Ironbeak Owl, Sludge Belcher
[VS Druid]
Assumption: We are playing against double combo.
Again, there are probably 9 combo druids to 1 wall or other.
Cards to look for: Armorsmith, Cruel Taskmaster, Death's Bite
[VS Warlock]
Assumption: We aren't sure, so we prepare for both.
Basically what I like to do, is try and keep cards in my hand that would help me for both match-ups.
Cards to look for: Whirlwind, Execute, Fiery War Axe, Death's Bite, Brawl, Slam, Ironbeak Owl, Big Game Hunter.
[VS Mage]
Assumption: We are playing against Flamewaker mage.
Basically, we want something to remove their Mana Worm and Flamewaker
Cards to look for: Fiery War Axe, Death's Bite, Slam
[VS Priest]
Assumption: We are playing against the "Chinese" Priest.
I like to look for a way to deal with a early Deathlord, or a minion that has received too many buffs.
Cards to look for: Fiery War Axe, Death's Bite, Execute, Shield Block
Thank you and please subscribe! Enjoy :)
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