Our third installment in the Moons of Ice and Fire series examines Aegon the Conqueror, Visenya, and Rhaenys as a model for the solar king with two lunar queens. This will lead us to a dramatic revelation about the Night's King, of all people, and will prepare us to examine Rhaegar, Elia and Lyanna as a matching "mythical astronomy love triangle."
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Music courtesy John Walsh
Cover Art image: "Visenya Targaryen" by Prokrik
Moons of Ice and Fire 3: Visenya Draconis
Game of ThronesA Song of Ice and FireLucifer means LightbringerIdeas of Ice and FireQuinn’s IdeasIdeas of MarchThe Winds of WinterGeorge R. R. MartinASOIAFGOTHouse of the DragonJon SnowDaenerysDanyTargaryenKhaleesiwhite walkersAzor AhaiNight KingLmLMythical AstronomyLightbringerdragonsmythologyD&DDave and DanBenihoffWeissSecretsTruthRevealedExplainedBooksFantasyNewMysteryvisenyavhagaraegonbalerionrhaenysmeraxesconquest