Why is comfrey the perfect permaculture plant? It tops the charts on chop and drop, nutrient dense mulch you can use in gardens and food forests. It also tops the charts for easy but potent medicinal plants you can grow. It is an incredible pollinator and it draws nutrients up from way down deep in the soil where other plants can’t access. Comfrey is the perfect permaculture plant for fruit tree guilds because of all of these things as well as it’s tendency to create a dense stand that chokes out weeds. Comfrey is also a beautiful plant that draws the eye and captures the imagination with it’s beautiful blooms.
All these reasons are why comfrey is the perfect permaculture plant.
Why Comfrey is the Perfect Permaculture Plant
Food forestFood forest gardenPermaculture food forestPermacultureZone 6 food forestZone 6 permacultureZone 6 permaculture gardenZone 6 permaculture food forestZone 6 forest gardenPermaculture forest gardenGrowing comfreyComfreyWhy is comfrey goodBest permaculture plantBest guild plantComfrey in guildsFruit tree guildsPlanting a food forestCreating a food forestComfrey plantWhy comfreyChop and drop plantsPermaculture plants