Jeftin, kremast, čokoladni sitni kolač
Potrebni sastojci:
- za prhko testo :
400g brašna
250g margarina
vanil šećer
80g šećera u prahu
2 žumanca
Od svih sastojaka umesiti testo. Staviti u frižider na min. pola sata. Razviti na brašnom posutoj podlozi, rakijskom čašicom vaditi kružiće, ređati na pek papir. Peći u zagrejanoj rerni na 180C oko 7-8 minuta. Keksići treba da ostanu svetli nakon pečenja.
- za ganaš fil:
500ml slatke pavlake
200g čokolade za kuvanje
Slatku pavlaku zagrejati pa joj dodati isečenu čokoladu. Promešati, ostaviti u frižider da se stegne na min. 2h. Ohlađenu masu izmiksati.
- za puslice:
70g belanaca ( od 2 jaja)
70g šećera
140g šećera u prahu
boja po želji
Umutiti belanca u čvrst sneg. Postepeno dodavati šećer uz neprekidno mešanje. Dodati i boju pa još jednom sve izmiksati da se dobro sjedini. Ručno umešati šećer u prahu iz tri puta, kako bi se lakše sjedinilo. Prebaciti belanca u poslastičartsku vreću. Velikim nastavkom praviti puslice na pek papiru. Sušiti u zagrejanoj rerni sa ventilatorom na 80C - 2h. Od ove količine se dobiju dve tepsije puslica, od 80 do 90 komada, sušiti ih istovremeno na prvom i četvrtom nivou. Ostaviti ih da se ohlade u odškrinutoj rerni.
- slaganje kolača:
prhko testo
ganaš fil
A cheap, creamy, chocolate chip cookie
Ingredients needed:
- for short dough:
400g of flour
250g of butter
vanilla sugar
80g of powdered sugar
2 egg yolks
Knead the dough from all the ingredients. Put in the fridge for min. half an hour. Roll out on a flour-dusted surface, use a brandy glass to take out circles, arrange on parchment paper. Bake in a preheated oven at 180C for about 7-8 minutes. The cookies should remain light after baking.
- for the ganache filling:
500 ml of sweet cream
200g of cooking chocolate
Heat the sweet cream and add the chopped chocolate. Mix, leave in the fridge to set for min. 2h. Mix the cooled mass.
- for puslice:
70g of egg whites (from 2 eggs)
70g of sugar
140g of powdered sugar
color as desired
Beat the egg whites until stiff. Gradually add sugar while stirring continuously. Add the color and mix everything again to combine well. Mix in the powdered sugar by hand in three additions, to make it easier to combine. Transfer the egg white to a pastry bag. Using a large attachment, make puffs on parchment paper. Dry in a heated oven with a fan at 80C - 2 hours. From this amount, you get two pans of puslica, from 80 to 90 pieces, dry them at the same time on the first and fourth level. Leave them to cool in the oven.
- cake stacking:
short dough
ganache filling
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