Hare Krishna dear devotees 🌸
Please accept my humble obeisances
I have tried to answer the question “Can we offer anything to Krishna?”. There is only one condition which we need to follow and then Krishna will accept anything we offer to him. I have also talked about the mood of a devotee while offering to Krishna. I hope this video brings pleasure to the hearts of devotees.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada
Your servant 🙏🏻
Kavya Budhiraja

Can We OFFER Anything to Krishna? | Only One Condition
PreachingBeing Krishna consciousBKCPrabhupada Nectarean wordsPrabhupadaSrila PrabhupadaSpIskconISKCONPastimesKrishna consciousnessHare KrishnaIsconIsckonyt:cc=onwords of wisdomPrabhupada vanivani sanghadevoteesvaishnavasgaudiyaspiritualityBeautiful Realisationsurprising reasonprabhulokanathswamigurupujaWhy Building so Many TemplesbhakticharuCan We OFFER Anything to Krishnakrishna will not accept anything until you do thisacceptoffer