03:00 IB-1 INVITATION TO BID for a Long-Term Garage Parking Agreement, with a term of fifteen years, for 120 parking spaces, a valet parking area, and the option to lease certain office space in the Boush Street Garage located at 112 W. City Hall Avenue.
05:20 PH-1 PUBLIC HEARING to hear comments on the conveyance to the City of Norfolk by Jesse Riley on property located adjacent to 6100 Bromley Court.
06:10 PH-2 PUBLIC HEARING on the application of the City Planning Commission, to a) amend the City's General Plan, plaNorfolk2030, to incorporate the new FIRM map, b) for a Text Amendment to Section 11-3, "Floodplain/Coastal Hazard Overlay Districts (FPCHO)," of the City's Zoning Ordinance, to update the City's floodplain regulations in order to adopt the new FIS and c) for a change of zoning in order to amend the district boundaries of the FPCHO zoning district, as well as to adopt new district boundaries for the Coastal A FPCHO zoning district.
08:00 PH-3 PUBLIC HEARING on the application of Monument Development Four, LLC, a) for a change of zoning to modify conditions attached to the property; zoned conditional C-2 (Corridor Commercial), b) to designate the existing structure as a Norfolk Historic Landmark and c) for a Special Exception to permit more than six dwelling units, on property located at 2219 Colonial Avenue.
29:05 PH-4 PUBLIC HEARING on the conveyance to Jay Investment Corporation of a certain parcel of property located at 985 Parish Road.
30:44 PH-5 PUBLIC HEARING the conveyance to Jay Investment Corporation of a certain parcel of property located at 1400 Marsh Street.
31:28 R-1 Ordinance allowing a late filing and relieving the assessment resulting from the late filing for exemption from Real Estate Taxes for three parcels of real property of Norfolk Masonic Home Association retroactive to July 1, 2013
34:00 R-2 Ordinance requesting the Virginia Department of Transportation to establish two Urban Construction Projects in accordance with the Programmatic Project Administration Agreements between the City of Norfolk and the Virginia Department of Transportation; authorizing the City Manager to execute the Agreements; and appropriating and authorizing the expenditure of the total sum of $11,300,000.00 for these projects, subject to and in accordance with the terms of the Agreements
34:40 R-3 Ordinance to amend and reordain Subsection (1) of Section 42-201 of the Code of the City of Norfolk, 1979, SO AS TO authorize the change of the numbering of the property currently addressed as One Commercial Place and to correct and more accurately describe the property addressed as Two Commerical Place and Three Commercial Place
35:10 R-4 Ordinance to amend and reordain Section 2.1-6(b) of the Norfolk City Code, 1979, SO AS TO authorize the Civil Service Commission to delegate limited authority to the Director of Human Resources
35:35 R-5 A Resolution approving the exercise by the Norfolk Airport Authority, in conjunction with the issuance for Old Dominion University Real Estate Foundation, of the Authority's Revenue Bond in an amount not to exceed $10,000,000, to assist the applicant to finance (a) the construction and equipping of a two-story building of approximately 24,396 square feet to house an art museum (the "Project") to be located at 4200 Hampton Boulevard and (b) paying the costs associated with the bond's issuance, necessitating approval by this Council in order to comply with state and federal law and paying certain costs incurred in connection with the issuance of such bond
36:32 R-6 Ordinance for the use of certain City owned property known as Barraud Park for and educational program instructing the use of unmanned aircraft systems
42:50 Walk-on
43:10 Walk-on
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