Join our US Learning Specialist, Kate Biel, in this 'Getting Started' webinar to learn about Showbie's Basic features and account setup, to get ready for the year ahead.
Learning Outcomes:
00:00 Welcome!
05:34 About Showbie
06:53 What We'll Cover
09:00 Signing up for the free version
10:17 What Showbie looks like
11:00 Class Setup
12:08 Create a New Class
13:01 Class Codes
14:01 Adding Students to Your Showbie Classroom
15:47 QR Codes
17:40 Batch Download QR Codes!
18:50 What to do if a Student loses their QR code
19:30 Being Prepared
20:30 Adding Assignments
22:20 Adding / Removing Due Dates
22:40 Locking and Scheduling Assignments
23:47 Shared Items View
23:56 Student Privacy
24:45 Viewing Student Activity
25:10 Posting Comments and Instructions for an Assignment
25:50 Sharing Posts to All Students
26:40 Types of Documents to Import and Share
27:15 Importing Files from Google Drive
28:25 Pinning Instructions in Your Shared Items Folder
29:15 Sharing an Item to Specific Students (Supplemental Aids)
30:55 Preparing Assignments in Advance - Share to No One
32:20 Distributing Pre-Loaded Assignments - Share to Everyone
Getting Started with Showbie (US)
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