Suprahyoid Muscles:
Muscles superior to hyoid bone are suprahyoid muscles. Muscles inferior to hyoid bone are the infrahyoid muscles.
Suprahyoid muscles participate in chewing, swallowing and talking.
Together with infrahyoid muscles, they contribute to the fixation of hyoid bone, which does not articulate with any other bone.
Suprahyoid muscles also participate in improving cervical spine flexion.
The suprahyoid muscles are located between two bony landmarks. Superiorly, base of mandible and inferiorly, hyoid bone.
Four muscles located bilaterally in pairs.
Digastric Muscle - Spindle-shaped, Consists of two bellies (di = two, gastric = belly). Anterior & posterior bellies are held together with an intermediate tendon. Posterior belly is longer than anterior belly. Posterior belly originates from temporal bone (mastoid notch). Anterior belly originates from the mandible. Both bellies slope inferior from their origins & connect via an intermediate tendon anchored by a fascial sling to hyoid bone.
Stylohyoid Muscle - Originates from middle of styloid process on temporal bone and inserts to hyoid bone superior to omohyoid.
Mylohyoid Muscle - Originates from inner surface of body of mandible at mylohyoid line. Insertion is by joining with opposite mylohyoid muscle in the midline of cervical spine anteriorly and body of hyoid bone posteriorly.
Geniohyoid Muacle - Originates from inferior genial tubercle and gets inserted to body of hyoid bone.
Three levels: Deep plane formed by geniohyoid muscle. Medium plane consists of mylohyoid muscle. Superficial plane formed by digastric and styloid muscles.
Dr Donald A Ozello DC of Championship Chiropractic in Las Vegas, NV Web Site: [ Ссылка ] Blog: [ Ссылка ] Twitter: [ Ссылка ] Facebook: [ Ссылка ] LinkedIn: [ Ссылка ] YouTube: [ Ссылка ] "Running: Maximize Performance & Minimize Injuries" [ Ссылка ]
Two Minutes of Anatomy: Suprahyoid Muscles
suprahyoid musclesDigastricStylohyoidMylohyoidGeniohyoidhyoid elevationhyoid liftinghyoid fixationhyoid stabilizationneckcervical spineinfrahyoid musclesanatomyhyoid depressionhyoid boneomohyoidthyrohyoidstrenohyoidsternothyroidneck musclesanterior neck musclescervical musclescervical spine muscleschiropractorchiropracticsports medicinesports medvegaslas vegasthyroid gland