Should you buy a house in 2022...or wait for a crash?
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If you clicked on this video then you’ve probably experienced something similar. House prices have risen absurdly high over the last 2 years, and now mortgage interest rates are roughly twice as high from their low in January 2021, making it so much more difficult for many of us to achieve the American dream of home ownership.
Clearly there is a housing affordability crisis today, and many of you might be thinking that because house prices have risen so fast over the last few years, surely they are going to have to come down at some point in the future. You might be wondering, should i buy a home in 2022? Or is the housing market going to crash in 2022? Right now there is a lot of uncertainty surrounding the housing market in 2022. Many people believe we are in a housing bubble, and that a housing market crash is imminent. Others have house prices prediction 2022 that house prices will continue to rise. Real estate lags other markets, so it is difficult to assess how interest rate hikes are going to effect real estate in the next month. Whether or not we are going to experience a real estate crash in 2022, here are some tips on how to survive a market crash, if you do plan on buying a house in 2022.
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Everything in this video is of my own opinion and could be wrong. I am not a financial adviser. These videos are for educational purposes only. Investing of any kind involves risk. While it is possible to minimize risk, your investments are solely your responsibility. It is imperative that you conduct your own research. I am merely sharing my opinion with no guarantee of gains or losses on investments.
Should You Buy A Home In 2022 (Or Wait For A Crash)
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