輪受け wa uke (circular block). I use for teaching beginners the wa uke block, the principle of protection from being caught by the sleeve, two ways of rotating clockwise and counterclockwise, the student more easily perceives this option of training the wa uke protection, later we move on to protection from blows. It really works against the hold, I can break the hold with any strength, the main thing is to use the strength of the elbow, back and legs. 龍敏道場 Ryubin dojo, Uechi ryu 上 地 流 karate training #Уэчирю #上地流 Уэчи рю каратэ! Budopass.com uechi-ryu.ru #Ryubin #Uechi #UechiryuRussia #Sanseiryu #kata #bunkai #shoken #Okinawan #karate #kodokan #hasamiхасами #бункайсансэйрю #кумитэбошикен #бункай #haraiukegeri #wauke #вауке #Nahate #wauke #mawashiukewaves
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