Subscribe because the gnome says so
Full review - [ Ссылка ]
The Datafrog SF2000 proves that you don't need the most expensive gaming console to have loads of fun. The SF2000 comes in at a whopping $20 and for that price point it can run NES, SNES, MAME, MegaDrive, GB, GBC, and even GBA. My unit had some quality control issues such as the display having a permanent spot on it, but if you're willing to risk the $20 I'd say this rivals the Powkiddy v90.
TechDweeb's video - [ Ссылка ]
Sf2000 (new best price) -[ Ссылка ]
Is the cheapest retro handheld the best option?
Data frog sf2000 review
Timestamps ⌚
0:00-0:08 Intro
0:08-2:00 Unboxing
2:00-3:53 Handheld overview
3:53-4:18 Small screen defect
4:18-5:07 New update overview
5:07-7:13 Final thoughts/Conclusion
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Thank you all for tuning in!
TG_Geek Discord - [ Ссылка ]
The datafrog sf2000 is almost perfect!
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