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Roadmakings Graco Technology Cold Thermoplastic Bicomtrafic // Roadmakings Graco Technology Cold Thermoplastic Bicomtrafic
Bicomtrafic Presentation
Introducing new roadmarking machine BICOMTRAFIC by TECMAPRO. Guarantee of technology GRACO.
Use cold thermoplastic paint and can paint two colors to the simultaneously.
The cold thermoplastic paint (Two components A+B) has a best performance in durability, metres painted and reflection than the classic hot thermoplastic
The scribe lines aerodynamics and aesthetics, but without forgetting that the main thing is to get the best way to compensate for the machine on the road, giving it more stability. What contributes to greater perfection in the plot line.
This last version has two controls in view of the operator, which facilitates the handling and control of the machine at all times.
TECMAPRO achieved with this new Bicomtrafic, a 100% perfect catalyst. With the 1:1 component mixing 2 bombs going totally indistinct, we can combine the pressure to reach a perfect catalyst. The result is a perfect line, the routing and drying.
TECMAPRO is pioneer in the development of roadmarkings machines committed to protecting the environment. The result is the machines: SILENCE LINE and BICOMTRAFIC LINE.
Both machines have been developed, designed and tested by technical specialists TECMAPRO with the guarantee of GRACO, the leading brand worldwide in fluid handling machinery
SILENCE LINE is a new tracerline machine with airless system, which doesn't' produce noise pollution.
Roadmakings Graco Technology Cold Thermoplastic Bicomtrafic // Roadmakings Graco Technology Cold Thermoplastic Bicomtrafic
Graco -- LineLazer - LineLazer 5900 - Airless - roadmarkings -- Line Stripers
- pintarrayas -- demarcadoras -- pintalineas -- senalizadoras -- trazalineas -- demarcacion vial -- senalizacion vial - Road marking machine - road marker - Systems Airless - cold plastic - cold Thermpolastic - cold paint road -- Linemarking - Système Self-Propelled - Airless Line Stripers - paint road -- Gindlazer -- scarifiers - Roadlazer -- Roadpak Graco -- Fieldlazer -- glass beads -- Disperglas -- Bicomtrafic -- Thermoplastic roadmarkings -- line striping - Skid Resistance - Hot Applied Thermoplastic - Preformed Thermoplastic -- double spray gun -- Tecmapro Graco.
Graco -- LineLazer - LineLazer 5900 - Airless - roadmarkings -- Line Stripers
- pintarrayas -- demarcadoras -- pintalineas -- senalizadoras -- trazalineas -- demarcacion vial -- senalizacion vial - Road marking machine - road marker - Systems Airless - cold plastic - cold Thermpolastic - cold paint road -- Linemarking - Système Self-Propelled - Airless Line Stripers - paint road -- Gindlazer -- scarifiers - Roadlazer -- Roadpak Graco -- Fieldlazer -- glass beads -- Disperglas -- Bicomtrafic -- Thermoplastic roadmarkings -- line striping - Skid Resistance - Hot Applied Thermoplastic - Preformed Thermoplastic -- double spray gun -- Tecmapro Graco.
Roadmakings Graco Technology Cold Thermoplastic
TecmaproGracoBicomtraficSilenLineLineLazerAirlessAirless systemroadmarkingsroad markerLinemarkingcold Thermpolasticcold paint roadThermoplastic roadAirless Line StripersSystem line striperspaint roadtechnology roadmarkingRoad stripingseñalizacion vialseñalización horizontalGrindlazerSeñalizadorastrazadorasSystèmes de airlessTraceurs de lignestraçage de lignesmarcação de baiasmarcação de linhasmarcação de baias Airless