Star Wars: Bounty Hunter is an action adventure video game released by LucasArts. The action is set between the movies Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace and Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones. The story follows Jango Fett, a former Mandalorian now a high-skilled bounty hunter, who is hired by Count Dooku to find and eliminate Dark Jedi Vosa.
Chapter 1: Dead or Alive, Meeko
0:00:00 Pit Fight Arena
0:13:57 Merchant Row
0:30:41 Docking Bays
Chapter 2: Lowlifes in High Places
0:42:28 Entertainment District
0:56:18 Industrial District
1:07:47 Upper City
Chapter 3: The Asteroid Prison
1:22:14 The Break In
1:45:55 The Break Out
2:01:49 The Escape
Chapter 4: A Tense Partnership
2:26:01 Jungle Trek
2:56:00 Sebolto's Compound
3:09:57 The Death Stick Factory
Chapter 5: A Favor for a Hutt
3:21:36 Longo Two-Guns
3:37:06 Tusken Canyon
3:52:53 Gardulla's Palace
Chapter 6: Going after Vosa
4:10:05 Moon of the Dead
4:29:29 Vosa's Lair
4:43:34 Final Confrontation
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Developer: LucasArts
Publisher: LucasArts
Platforms: PS2, GC
Release Date: 2002
Genre: Action, Adventure
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