Ah, yes. The Great Grand Tetons Controversy (nobody actually calls it that, I just made it up but it works so we're going with it). There was indeed a time in Grand Teton National Park's history that was turbulent and stormy, hidden away today behind a veneer of majestic peaks and braided rivers. During the formative years of Grand Teton, just as many people would have preferred the park were never created at all, as who championed its creation. This story can teach us a lot about the politics of park creation, the power of the Antiquities Act, the ongoing debate over land use on America's public lands, and the role of philanthropy in National Parks. It's a doozy, so sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride.
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Images and Music:
University of Wyoming
Ansel Adams
Jackson Hole Historical Society and Museum
Wyoming Tails and Trails
Wyoming State Archives
Rockefeller Archive Repository
Why National Monuments are BANNED in Wyoming
national parksgrand teton national parknational parkusa national parksyellowstone national parknational park serviceyosemite national parkgrand canyon national parknational park disappearanceszion national parknational parks missing personswyomingarches national parkdisappearances in national parks documentarynational parks usaglacier national parkmissing people in national parksunsolved national park disappearances