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Mae Egin (www.egin.org.uk) yn cefnogi cymunedau i weithredu ar newid hinsawdd a byw’n fwy cynaliadwy – ond beth mae hynny’n ei olygu go iawn? Gall y term “gweithredu hinsawdd” fod yn ddigon anghlir, ond pan fyddwch chi’n ychwanegu “cymuned” i’r gymysgedd gall ddod hyd yn oed yn fwy dryslyd!
Gallai gweithredu hinsawdd gymunedol fod yn unrhyw beth sy’n dod â lleisiau gwahanol o’r gymuned at ei gilydd i leihau allyriadau carbon, newid ffyrdd o fyw i fyw mewn cydbwysedd gwell â’r ddaear, ailfeddwl faint y mae gwir angen i ni ei ddefnyddio a’i daflu i ffwrdd, neu i helpu i addasu i newid hinsawdd. Gallai rhai enghreifftiau gynnwys, ond heb fod yn gyfyngedig i: caffis atgyweirio, Llyfrgelloedd Pethau, gerddi cymunedol, prosiectau ynni cymunedol, rhannu ceir, rhannu beiciau trydan, a phrosiectau adeiladu sgiliau gwyrdd.
Mae gan ein Mentoriaid Cymheiriaid Egin brofiad o gymryd rhan mewn, neu sefydlu, prosiectau gweithredu hinsawdd gymunedol. Yn y weminar hon, byddwch yn gallu clywed gan rhai o’n Mentoriaid am enghreifftiau go iawn o weithredu hinsawdd gymunedol – gan gynnwys ychydig am yr heriau penodol y mae eu cymunedau’n eu hwynebu.
Ym y weminar yma, clywon ni am rai o'r prosiectau ar lawr gwlad mae rhai o'n mentorau wedi gweithio arnyn nhw, yn cynnwys y heriau!
Egin (www.egin.org.uk) supports communities in taking climate action and living more sustainably – but what does that really mean? The term “climate action” can already be vague enough, but when you add “community” into the mix it can become even more confusing.
Community climate action could be anything that brings together different voices from the community to reduce carbon emissions, change lifestyles to live in better balance with the earth, rethink how much we really need to use and throw away, or to help adapt to climate change. Some examples might include, but are not limited to: repair cafes, Libraries of Things, community gardens, community energy projects, car sharing, electric bike sharing, and green skill-building projects.
Our Egin Peer Mentors have experience of being involved with, or setting up, community led climate action projects. In this webinar, you’ll be able to hear from a selection of our Mentors about real-life examples of community climate action – including a little about the specific challenges that their communities face.
In this webinar, we talked about some of the real-world climate projects our mentors are involved with and heard about the challenges they face.
Siaradwyr / Speakers:
Alicia Stark, Tanio (Bettws, Bridgend County)
Ken Moon, Tir Pontypridd
Lowri Hedd Vaughan, GwyrddNi
Nina Finnigan, The Listening Project (Cynon Valley)
Fay Hollick, Aber Food Surplus (Aberystwyth)
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