According to estimates, more than 1.3 billion people smoke tobacco worldwide, or 22.3% of the world's population. Most of the more than 80% of those who smoke tobacco live in low- and middle-income nations in Latin America, Asia, and, you guessed it, Africa.
The focus has been on Asia and South America up until now, but the most recent data indicate that cigarette businesses are expanding to Africa. In countries like Tanzania, Malawi, Mozambique, Nigeria, Kenya, and Zimbabwe, where the tobacco is cultivated there is noted for its flavour, there has been an increase in tobacco agricultural acreage of around 20% since 2005.
According to the WHO, tobacco-related diseases include cancer, diabetes, heart disease, stroke, lung conditions, eye conditions, and tuberculosis each claim the lives of nearly eight million people each year around the world and 1.2 million out of the figure lose their lives from exposure to second-hand smoke.
Take Nigeria, the WHO has estimated that over 30,000 Nigerians die yearly as a result of tobacco-related diseases. The Nigeria Tobacco Control Alliance (NTCA) has also said that 246 men die weekly from tobacco-related illnesses in the country.
Host: Keminni Amanor
1. Sibanda James, Zimbabwe health apex teamleader, Chinhoyi, Zimbabwe;
2. Dr Kieran McLeod, Medical doctor & founder of ByeGwaai, Cape Town, South Africa
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