Show Synopsis : Main Dil Tum Dhadkan is a gripping family drama series that delves into the raw emotions and itense conflicts of its characters set in Mathura, the show explores the complexities of love, betrayal and redemption, revealing secrets as hearts are laid bare. With compelling performances and a heart-wrenching storyline, Main Dil Tum Dhadkan promises to keep viewers on the edge of their seats as they journey through the highs and lows of human emotions
Show Cast : Radhika Matthukumar (Radhika), Zaheb A. Siddiqui (Keshav), Kavish (Krish), Neelu Vaghela (Rajeshwari Devi),
In a dramatic twist of fate, Vrinda, a widow, delivers a stillborn, while Keshav's wife Deepika, who is unwilling to keep her baby, abandons her child. Deepika's baby is given to Vrinda, who unknowingly raises him as her own. Seven years later, Vrinda moves to Mathura with her son, Kanha, and becomes neighbors with Keshav, Kanha's biological father, and Keshav's orthodox mother Rajeshwari. When Keshav uncovers Kanha's true identity, he demands to reclaim his child. However, Vrindaa, who has poured her heart into raising Kanha, is resolute in her refusal to let him go. This clash leaves them at a critical juncture, raising the question of how Vrinda and Keshav will navigate this life-altering conflict.
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