Learn this bass line on Bass Guitar!
Use the link to the Youtube Study Tool below to play this bass line and the original song at the same time. You can dial in the volume for both of the videos to hear every detail. Slow the videos down to the best speed for your level. Turn on the repeater to repeat difficult parts till you get them right. Enjoy!
Youtube Study Tool ► [ Ссылка ]
Want Lenny to make a cover of your requested song? That song that just came out, or that song you always wanted? For a donation to the channel you can! You get the Score/Tabs in all the file formats and of course your name in the video ;)
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With a small donation to the channel, you can get separate files for the score and tabs in this video. Donating helps me to keep making these videos and will be much appreciated! Want to use this bass line in your scoring or audio software? XML and MIDI formats are available too.
Tab/Score ► [ Ссылка ]
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Original by: Dua Lipa
© 2020 Lenny’s Bass Lines
Dua Lipa - Hallucinate - Bass Line - Score - Tabs - Cover
#DuaLipa #Hallucinate #BassLine
Dua Lipa - Hallucinate - Bass Line - Score - Tabs - Cover
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