CBI, on the instruction of the HC, had taken over the probe of the alleged fake encounter in which 19 yr old Ishrat Jahan, Javed Sheikh alias Pranesh Pillai, Amjad Ali Rana and Zeeshan Johar were killed on the outskirts of the city on June 15, 2004 allegedly by a state Crime Branch team led by DIG D G Vanzara on the ground that they were terrorists on a mission to assassinate Gujarat CM Narendra Modi. The Gujarat HC directed CBI to streamline its investigation in the 2004 Ishrat Jahan fake encounter killing case and file a charge sheet by July 4. CBI was also pulled up by the court for its failure to arrest Gujarat cadre IPS officer P P Pandey who has been evading arrest since May 2 in spite of special CBI court issuing an arrest warrant.
The mother of Mumbai teenager Ishrat claimed her daughter was "innocent" and cited the arrest of several policemen in the case to support her assertion. Kauser said "the report of the judicial inquiry conducted by magistrate S P Tamang in Sep 2009 concluded that my daughter was innocent and had been murdered by Gujarat police officers and men." The Special Investigation Team (SIT), appointed by the HC, too, concluded in 2011 that the encounter was fake and the college girl had been killed in custody, she said. Countering claims that her daughter was an operative of terror outfit Laskhar-e-Toiba (LeT), she said "there is not a whisper of allegation against my daughter in these so-called IB audio recordings."
A special CBI court passed an order proclaiming ADGP Pruthvipal P Pandey an absconder and directing him to appear before the court by July 31 to avoid further action. Pandey has been made an accused in the fake encounter case for providing "so-called crucial intelligence inputs" to fellow policemen that Ishrat and three others were LeT operatives and were on a mission to assassinate CM Modi. Pandey, then JCP, Ahmedabad, was heading the crime branch when the encounter took place. Pandey has claimed in the petition that Rana, Shaikh and Johar were "terrorists" and were killed in a "genuine encounter" and hence he should not be made an accused. Last month, CBI arrested Vanzara (prime accused in Sheikh Sohrabuddin fake encounter killing case) who is now lodged in Sabarmati jail under judicial custody following his five-day custodial interrogation. CBI had also summoned and grilled Special Director ofIntelligence Bureau Rajendra Kumar in the Ishrat case twice with regard to the inputs generated about four 'terrorists' entering Gujarat to kill Modi. Besides, the agency had also examined former DGP of the state K R Kaushik who was Police Commissioner of the city when the 2004 encounter took place.
BJP accused Congress of misuse and manipulation of CBI to target it in the Ishrat Jahan encounter case, which it termed as a "political conspiracy". Download the Times Now India's Election HQ app and get all the election info at one go. Click here: [ Ссылка ] Social Media Links :-
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Inside: The Ishrat files (Part 2 of 2)
TIMES NOWbreaking newsdaily storiescrimelivenewslatesttoday2013Indiaheadlinestrending newsnews updatesInsideCBICrime BranchIshrat filesGujarat CMNarendra ModiIPS officerP P PandeyIshrat Jahan caseFIRSpecial Investigation Teamarrest warrantIshrat HearingChargesheetIshrat Jahan Fake Encounter Case (Person)ishrat jahan encounterishrat jahan caseishrat jahan encounter caseishrat jahan encounter videoishrat jahan fake encounter