Another sparring from the gathering of the @die.freifechter in Cologne. Peter Frank and me using a sword usable for cut and thrust. A spadroon, Haudegen, spadancia, you name it. It is the straight sword and could be called the rapier or sidesword of the 19th cent. Peter trained British military fencing according to Roworth and Angelo. The Italian fencing source using a Backsword or broadsword for cut and thrust it Giuseppe Rosaroll well known from his book with Pietro Grisetti: "scienzia della scherma" or the science of fencing.
In HEMA pressure testing and fighting is a big point as in some other martial arts. The other way around it is quite very theoretical because everything is very structured.
It differs from fencing in the rules. You could clearly see we do blade grapples, strikes with the knee and go into wrestling measure.
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