Bhagavad Gita CH 5
Renounce to Rejoice
The Bhagavad Gita expounds on the glory of renunciation.
Renunciation is not life denying. It is an exhilarating confidence in the higher aspects of life.
Renunciation is not giving up actions. It is acting in a spirit of renunciation.
Renunciation is not giving up things that are dear to you. It is growth to appreciate far more fulfilling avenues of enjoyment.
The Bhagavad Gita shows a way out of bondage to liberation while transacting with the world and enjoying its offerings.
In the end renunciation opens the doors to Realisation. A life in which you are not hampered by the limitations of the body, mind and intellect. You sail aloft, unaffected by the finitude of the world and enjoy the realm beyond.
Bhagavad Gita CH 5 Renounce to Rejoice Part 5 03
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