Dr. Motykie explains everything you need to know about Buccal Fat Pad removal, also known as a Buccal Lipectomy. This procedure contours your cheeks.
#Buccal #PlasticSurgery
The lower part of the face contains buccal fat pads. When these fat pockets become large, they could create an appearance of “chipmunk” or chubby cheeks.
During buccal fat removal cosmetic surgery, Dr. Motykie will eliminate the oversized buccal fat pads to create a more proportionate and sculpted facial appearance. The patient will have an enhanced lower face contour along with a more defined cheek hollow.
To set up a consultation: Info@DrMotykie.com
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BUCCAL FAT PAD REMOVAL: Surgery, Recovery, Before and After
Dr. Motykiebuccalfatfacialslimmingplasticsurgerybefore and afterbuccal fatbuccal fat reductionbuccal fat removalbuccal fat removal costcheek contourcheek contouringcheek fatcheek fat reductioncheek fat removalcheek liposuctionfacial contouringfacial liposuctionfacial slimmingliposuctionoperasyon ng plastik na asyanooperasyon ng takipmataplastic surgeryrecoverysurgery성형수술성형외과整容手术buccal lipectomyfacial contouring surgery