Raiding xaron's base, LDoE 1.17.5
hello everyone, an9ther base for today, and again, small base, with slightly better loot than pre ious raid, maybe this time it is worth one C4 for for 4 steel plates, but ots your call, thats all for now, see you all soon in another video.
#PatrolMan #xaron #StaySafe
Raiding xaron, LDoE 1.17.5
ldoeraidraid xaron ldoeraid xaronraid xaron last day on earthxaronlast day on earthldoe xaronrevenge raidraid last dayraiderraidsdaylast day on earth рейд базы xaronxaron raid ldoexaron ldoe raidxaron ldoeldoe raid xaronbase de xaron last day on earthbase xaronxaron last day on earthlast day on earth xaronxaron baseрейд базы xaronpatrolmanpatrol manpatrolman1.171.17.5PatrolManxaronx aron