TV9 Filmy Funda: Actress Radhika Kumaraswamy is currently busy with ‘Bhairavi Devi’ shooting. The latest news is that the actress has injured herself during the shoot and has been admitted to the hospital. Radhika is playing the role of 'Aghori' in the movie and has reportedly fallen down from a tomb. The doctor has advised the actress to take rest for a month. ‘Bhairavi Devi’ was being shot in Shanti Nagar, Bangalore. Radhika Kumaraswamy was shooting in a graveyard where she fell from a tomb and was immediately taken to the hospital. The shooting of the movie will begin after the recovery of Radhika. ‘Bhairavi Devi’ is a big budget movie and Radhika is producing the movie under her production banner ‘Shamika Enterprises’. Ravishankar and actor Ramesh Aravind play the lead roles in the film and Shri Jai Bhairavi Devi is directing the movie.
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