The Terrorcons are a Decepticon sub-group from the Generation One continuity family. Sometimes it's hard to take the Terrorcons seriously. Even for Decepticons, they've got a bunch of personality problems, not to mention a lack of decency. Individually, they're not much, and it's not very hard to outsmart them. One on one, an Autobot would probably win.
Then you actually meet the Terrorcons as a group, and you pray that Primus has mercy on you, because the Terrorcons sure as hell won't. They'll kill you for a bunch of reasons: orders, sport, boredom, a dare. They're not what you'd call soldiers, warriors, or even brawlers. They're animals, and they bring that thought pattern to everything they do, including their choice of altmodes, which are the forms of frightening beasts.
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The History of the Terrorcons (G1 Transformers Cartoon)
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