You were wondering how to prepare your plan before importing it to DIALux evo? You're in the right place!
0:53 Turn on, thaw and unlock all layers
1:10 Checking the Xrefs
1:34 Checking the units
2:34 Isolating floors
3:30 Select similar objects
3:52 Reducing the size of the drawing( Delete Duplicate objects and purge)
4:21 Saving
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2 Dialux evo for beginners: Prepare the CAD file
Dialux evoDialux evo 8.1Dialuxlightinglighting designdialux for beginnersDialux evo for beginnertutorialsvideo tutorialsDialux evo tutorialsDialux video tutorialsdialux evo video tutorialscleaning the drawingsdrawingscleaningpreparing plansplansDIALUX EVO 9.12021DIALUX EVO TUTORIALS FOR BEGINNERSDWGDWG PLANIMPORTATIONIMPORTATION PROBLEMSPROBLEMS WHILE IMPORTING DWG PLANHOW TO IMPORT DWG PLAN