Dinner catering ⭐️ Garlic & Herb Roasted Chicken, Honey Glazed Roasted Carrots, Roasted Brussels Sprouts, Roasted Garlic Tofu, Coconut Rice & Peas, Loaded Ranch Mashed Red Potatoes, Honey Cinnamon Glazed Roasted Sweet Potatoes, Braised Collard, Kale and Mustard Greens w/ Smoked Turkey, Garden Salad, Pineapple Cake & 2 of my Banana Cheesecake Pudding Cakes w/ Nilla Wafers & Lotus Specaloos Cookies ⭐️🧑🏽🍳🙏🏾 #catering #feast #florida #madewithlove #ashhh
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Follow me on Instagram @MyFullFiguredLife
SnapChat- MyFullFigLife
All business inquiries contact me at MyFullFiguredLife@gmail.com
Fun facts:
Age- 37 | Location- Lakeland FL/ Brooklyn, NY
Birthday- November 16 | Sign- Scorpio
Favorite color- Green | No children | Dress Size- 22/24
Favorite food- Sushi/ Cajun/ Creole | Height '5,7
Favorite Drink- Cranberry Juice | Alcohol- Bacardi Coco babyyy
Engaged/ Been together 20 years | Occupation- Chef/ Caterer
Favorite quote- "Do you boo!"
#catering #work #feast #fruit #shrimpandgrits #garlicbutter #cheese #eggs #breakfast #friedchicken #waffles #pancakes #hashbrowns #madewithlove
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