We took the 3 hour drive from Great Falls, Montana down to Bozeman, Montana. Bozeman, a city known for its winter adventures such as skiing and hiking as well as for the 2021 NCAA Division 1 FCS runner-up Montana State University. We tried a local chicken restaurant called Roost Fried Chicken(Highly recommend) and traversed downtown the city. We also stopped at the Montana Grizzly bear exhibit, which is a rescue for injured bears. Overall Bozeman is a great place to visit with one of the most scenic drives that we have ever experienced in our lives!
(Vlogs really can tell a story in such a short time. We definitely love filming!)
Enjoy! ❤️
What To Do In Bozeman Montana | Travel Vlog
BozemanMontanaLong-DistanceRelationshipWinterSnowChicken SandwichCOVID-19Long-Distance RelationshipLDRBearsBear AttackVlogSkiSkiingRoadtripMountainsTravelCopsPoliceTraffic StopEntertainmentgreat falls montanagreat fallsbozeman montanaWe Were Chased By A Bear?! | Montana Grizzly Bear Encounter | Bozeman Montana | Travel Vlogbeargrizzly bearbear attackgrizzlybearsanimalmontanabear attacksscaryencounterhikinganimalsnational park