President Ram Nath Kovind has issued the formal summons for convening the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha for the Budget Session. Parliament’s Budget Session will begin on January 29, with the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha meeting in separate five-hour shifts to ensure physical distancing due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The full-fledged session would have 33 sittings with Question Hour, short duration discussions, private members’ business and calling attention motions. The President will address both the Houses of Parliament on January 29, spelling out the government's agenda for the next year. Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman will present the Union Budget on February 1. The Rajya Sabha will have sittings from 9 am to 2 pm, and the Lok Sabha will sit from 4 pm till 9 pm.
Guest Name:-
1. Mridhula Raghavan, Program Manager, PRS Legislative
2. K.A. Badarinath, Senior Journalist
Anchor:- Kriti Mihsra
Producer:- Sagheer Ahmad
Discussion Today - Budget Session 2021
Rajya Sabha TVRSTVUPSCIASDiscussion TodayMorning ShowDTBudget Session 2021Budget SessionUnion BudgetRajya SabhaParliament of IndiaGovernment of IndiaParliament’s Budget SessionPhysical DistancingSocial DistancingMaskCovid-19 PandemicQuestion HourPrivate Members’ BusinessCalling Attention MotionsParliament on January 29Finance MinisterNirmala SitharamanUnion Budget on February 1Social NormsHand Sanitizer