The Mysterious Unsolved Case of Ruth Alter...
In the midwestern state of Ohio lies Columbus, a city home to over 905,000 residents and some of true crime’s most notorious mysteries - most notable of which is the bizarre disappearance of med student Brian Shaffer. But it’s not one of these more widely-known cases we will examine today. Instead, we will be taking a look at one of the city’s most haunting unsolved cases involving the callous murder of a new mother. This case was brought to our attention by our Top5s Patron, Jessie, who has done invaluable research of her own into the decades-old unsolved case of Ruth Alter.
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Cold Case Detective was created by TJ Ruesch and the team behind Top5s & DestinationDeclassified. Our aim is to educate and spread awareness on some of the most puzzling missing person cases in history...
This is Cold Case Detective, shutting the blinds on unsolved mysteries as we seek to heat up another...
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