God has organized his word through dispensations and covenants. God is a God of order. Our personal relationship with Him today is based on the dispensations He made with mankind. Learn to see the Word chronologically from the first to the last page. A lot of questions will be answered by understanding the dispensations - no more loose ends.
7 Dispensations of the Bible | Innocence | Lesson 1
GracefamilychurchswitzerlandGraceGracefamilychurchSwitzerlandGracefamilychurchschweizJesusLoveBubikonErich EnglerGrace Family ChurchGrace has a faceJoseph PrinceChurchdomeEnglisch ChurchOnline ChurchInternational Online ChurchGrace Family Church InternationalFaithBelieveHis faithDispensationsAgesHouseholdsDispensationalism7 DispensationsWord of GodBible