In this Video important books of maths honours is discussed.From 2023 four year graduation course has introduced.NEP or CCF curriculum of maths honours has major and minor papers in sem 1.In this video semester 1 Major 1 and Minor 1 syllabus of mayhs hons of Calcutta University,Burdwan University,Kazi Nazrul University,Vidyasagar University ,Bankura University,Sidho Kanho Birsa University ,Kalyani University is discussed.Skill enhancement course books also told.
Analytical geometry
Vector Calculus
Vector Analysis
Classical Algebra
For online class of Maths honours-8918836685
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bsc maths 1st year books
burdwan university math honours syllabus
calcutta university math honours syllabus
SKBU math honours syllabus
kalyani university math honours syllabus
Bankura University math honours syllabus
Kazi Nazrul university
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