This video shows how to fix an overwound music box clock. The clock in this video is a vintage German made clock with a music box movement.
The musical movement ceased to play and could not be wound further.
The clock was dismantled and the music box movement was fixed with minimal tools.
#philcrockett #overwound. #musicbox
How to Fix an Overwound Music Box / Clock
Overwoundover woundoverwoundclockoverwound clockoverwound music boxMusic boxmusic boxOver wounddiyDIYPhil Crockettmusicboxmusical movementmechanical movementhow tohow to fixHow to fix an overwound clockhow to fix an overwound clockhow to fix an overwound music boxhow to fix and over wound music boxhow to fix a music boxhow to fix a clockGerman clockLinden Blackforestlinden black forest clock