Similar electrofishing unit: [ Ссылка ]
Setting up the Samus electrofishing unit: [ Ссылка ]
Electrofishing the pond part 2: [ Ссылка ]
A short session in my pond to remove troublesome bottom feeders which have caused the base of the clay lined pond to be stirred up, clouding the water.
We are using the Samus 725mp electrofishing unit.
Since the water is so cloudy, it is very hard to see the fish until they are right on the top so catching them is difficult.
Hopefully removing the carp, roach, bream etc. will allow the water to settle and be as clear as it was before all the bottom feeding fish went in. It used to look like an Alpine lake and was crystal clear when there was only trout in.
Next time I will hopefully get better footage of the actual electro fishing. I either need a cameraman or take a chance on having the camera in the boat.
All fish removed will be relocated, not eaten.
Thanks for watching.
Electrofishing / Electro Fishing my Pond - Part 1
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