UPDATE 3 years and water is still very visible at the bottom of the jar! I've been using this Star-Tron fuel additive for about a year and will continue to do so, but I wanted to find out how well it disperses water in the fuel, like the Amazon ads claim. There are mostly positive reviews, but then there are the few that tell of horrible results. For that reason, I decided to see for myself. This stuff may very well may boost stale gas, as they also claim, probably due to the Naphtha, but of course your results may vary. In 20 gallons, the amount of water I put in the jar would be like a drop at the bottom of the tank. I tried all different amounts. I tried a tiny few drops first and a lot of additive in this tiny amount of gas in the jar. All was the same. Water drops sunk to the bottom immediately and never dissipated. I would have showed that, but it was not easy for the camera to see the water. No matter, as the results were always the same. By the way, when I was a kid, I had a water injector that sprayed a fine mist into the carb on my 55 Chevy and it actually made it run better. It was called a water injection kit. Today, only Amsoil Gas additives have a proven track record scientifically.
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