In 1978, a group of curious children made an astonishing discovery in a newly acquired backyard in Los Angeles. While digging, they stumbled upon a mysterious metallic object, which turned out to be a rare Ferrari Dino 246 GTS, which is worth around half a million dollars in today's currency. The property's new owners had just moved in and were completely unaware of the hidden treasure beneath their feet.
Subsequent investigations revealed a tale of intrigue and insurance fraud. The car had been reported stolen three years prior by a local plumber named Rosendo Cruz. But according to an anonymous snitch, Cruz had devised an elaborate plan, instructing thieves to steal and dispose of the car to claim the insurance payout together. However, the thieves loved the car too much and chose to bury it so that they could retrieve it later, but they ultimately forgot its precise location.
As the truth unraveled, Rosendo disappeared, taking the awarded insurance money with him. The identities of those who buried the car remain a mystery, casting an enigmatic shadow over the vehicle's story. Forced to auction the car, the insurance company sold it to a skilled mechanic named Brad Howard, who painstakingly restored it with the help of a Ferrari expert. Today, the car stands as Howard's beloved daily driver, a living testament to this extraordinary tale of buried treasure and insurance intrigue.
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